AE插件-像素方向拉伸撕裂分离特效AE Pixel Sorter 2.1.0 Mac

AE插件-像素标的目的推伸扯破别离殊效AE Pixel Sorter 2.1.0 Mac2704,插件,像素,素圆,标的目的,推伸

插件能够正在AE当选择视频绘里停止像素别离推扯结果,很合用的一个插件。V2 版本从头编写了中心算法,利用战衬着更快更曲不雅;新删突变,扭转,块巨细,随机少度,成仙等功用。


AE Pixel Sorter was the first tool to bring the pixel sorting glitch effect available for motion designers and video editors within After Effects. Experimenting with Pixel Sorting just became so much easier! Since its launch, AEPS had a huge success in Broadcast TV, Live performances, VJs, Music Videos, Video Games, Photography and even Apparel!

撑持Mac体系:AE 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6


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