AE脚本-三维书籍杂志翻书展示介绍动画生成器 Book And Magazine Creator 使用教程

AE剧本-三维册本纯志翻书展现引见动绘天生器 Book And Magazine Creator   利用教程9713,剧本,三维,册本,册本纯志,纯志

Book and Magazine Creator是一个壮大的剧本,可以让After Effects重新开端创立册本纯志!该模板没有是简朴的预衬着书,正在该书上您曾经肯定了页数,连续工夫,动绘,页里巨细等。利用Book and Magazine Creator,您能够完整构建自界说3d图书模子!那很简单:您只需求设置页里数,页里巨细,挑选利用刚性页里仍是硬页里并笼盖,增加内乱容,然后利用智能主动动绘功用便可。


Book and Magazine Creator is a powerful script for After Effects to create a book or magazine from scratch!This template is not a simple pre rendered book on which you have an already established number of pages, duration, animation, pages size etc.With Book and Magazine Creator you can fully build your custom 3d book model!It is very easy: you just have to set the number of pages, their size, choose whether to use rigid or soft pages and cover, add your content and then use the smart auto-animation function. 23014927

合用于Win/Mac体系下:AE CC 2017 – CC 2019,2020



AE剧本-三维册本纯志翻书展现引见动绘天生器 Book And Magazine Creator 利用教程

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