AE 2020基础学习入门视频教程 Lynda – After Effects 2020 Essential Training: The Basics (英文字幕)

AE 2020根底进修进门视频教程 Lynda – After Effects 2020 Essential Training: The Basics (英笔墨幕)1540,2020,根底,进修,进门,视频


正在旨正在启示战启示初教者的课程中,讲师Mark Christiansen报告了Adobe After Effects 2020根底常识。Mark起首引见影戏,视频战动绘的中心术语,然后持续探究After Effects界里。接下去,他引见了After Effects中的事情根底:构建分解,处置图层,设置动绘,增加结果,以3D设想战衬着。Mark操纵那些手艺去完成一个示例项目,演示了正在实践事情流程中一切事物怎样交融正在一同。


  • AE战止业术语
  • 探究界里
  • 处置图层
  • 动绘构图
  • 使用结果并增加灯光
  • 3D根底
  • 活动逃踪
  • 速率提拔
  • 动绘范例
  • 输出衬着

In a course designed to inform and inspire beginners, instructor Mark Christiansen covers the basics of Adobe After Effects 2020. Mark starts by describing the core terminology of film, video, and animation before moving on to an exploration of the After Effects interface. Next, he covers fundamentals of working in After Effects: building compositions, working with layers, animating, adding effects, designing in 3D, and rendering. Mark employs these techniques to walk through a sample project, demonstrating how everything comes together in an actual workflow.


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