AE插件-RGB色彩分离色差特效Plugin Everything QCA V2 Win/Mac

AE插件-RGB颜色别离色好殊效Plugin Everything  QCA V2 Win/Mac3039,插件,颜色,别离,色好,殊效


微量的色好(又称“RGB别离”)是增长像素完善计较机图形实在感的好办法。 Quick Chromatic Aberration是一个免费插件,能够沉紧增加结果,快速建造RGB颜色别离色好殊效。 正在动绘战CG分解上看起去皆很棒。


A subtle amount of chromatic aberration aka “RGB separation” is a great way to increase the realism of pixel perfect computer graphics. Quick Chromatic Aberration is a free plugin to add that effect with minimal effort. Looks great on both motion graphics and CG composites.


合用于 Win/Mac 体系: AE CS 6 – CC 2019


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