Photoshop插件-蓝宝石视觉特效合成PS插件 Sapphire 2022.02 Win

Photoshop插件-蓝宝石视觉殊效分解PS插件 Sapphire 2022.02 Win9449,

更新到Sapphire 2022 v15.01; 蓝宝石插件终究撑持PS硬件啦!具有270多种自力于分辩率的无益结果,内乱置于无独有偶的基于节面的结果分解器中。Photoshop艺术家会喜好3000多个按称号、范例或预期用处构造的易于搜刮的预设。Sapphire Photoshop 具有取 Sapphire 插件不异的普遍参数散,使艺术家能够完整掌握结果的各个圆里。利用 Sapphire Photoshop 创立的任何内乱容皆能够取 Sapphire 撑持的主机同享,包罗 Adob​​e Premiere Pro、Blackmagic Resolve、Avid Media Composer、Foundry 的 Nuke 等。Sapphire Photoshop 完整 GPU 加快,撑持 CUDA 战 Metal,并具有对 Apple M1 处置器的本死撑持。那里仅供给Win版 Photoshop


Photoshop Support: Sapphire 2022 adds new host compatibility to its lineup with support for Adobe Photoshop, available with any new or upgrade license. Featuring over 270 filters and thousands of cross-platform presets, Sapphire for Photoshop brings the power of post production’s most loved filters to new artists, letting them create effects unachievable with native filters, and enabling a more streamlined workflow through the different design stages of production and between various teams and software.


  • Flare Designer:改良了 Flare Designer 中禁用滑块的表面。
  • Mocha:更新了 Mocha 库以进步不变性。
  • 预设:建复了包罗 ColorFuse 或 ColorFuseLooks 的预设之间的互兼容性毛病。
  • 预设阅读器:改良了对有毛病的预设的处置。


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