Blender教程-三维未来科幻建筑立方体方块动画 Skillshare – Animate a 3D Futuristic Cuboid in Blender

Blender教程-三维将来科幻修建坐圆体圆块动绘 Skillshare – Animate a 3D Futuristic Cuboid in Blender5302,blender,教程,三维,将来,去科

正在本课程中,将背您展现怎样利用blender中的位移和一些照明战动绘本领去创立战动绘化将来派的少圆体。将利用一个简朴的多维数据散做为出发点,并利用从JSPlacement天生的纹理去置换,着色战照明模子。 该课程包罗了本领战诀窍,可带去斑斓而又快速的成果,而且涵盖了从天生纹理,对多维数据散建模,对场景着色战照明到分解战衬着动绘的一切内乱容。 


We will use a simple cube to start with and use textures we generate from JSPlacement to displace, shade and light the model.The course is packed with tips and tricks resulting in beautiful and quick results and goes over everything from generating the textures, modelling the cube, shading and lighting the scene to composite and render the animation.



Blender教程-三维去科幻修建坐圆体圆块动绘 Animate a 3D Futuristic Cuboid in Blender

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