达芬奇教程-画面多余物体移除 Lowepost – Paint Fixing in DaVinci Resolve

达芬偶教程-绘里过剩物体移除  Lowepost – Paint Fixing in DaVinci Resolve8425,达芬偶,芬偶,教程,绘里,过剩

绘里建补Paint Fixing是来除没有需求的物体并改进拍摄结果的无形艺术。 数字画绘东西可用于从镜头中删除演员战徽标,来除真影并交换元素。 Paint Fixing已成为把握一项根本妙技。


Paint Fixing is the invisible art of removing unwanted objects and improving shots. Digital paint tools can be used to remove actors and logos from a shot, remove artifacts and to replace elements. Paint fixing has become an essential skill to master.


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