blender 2.8供给了一种十分壮大的办法,能够经由过程利用节面去创立庞大的pbr质料。可是,烘焙战导出那些质料以取其他硬件或体系(Substance Painter,Second Life,Sketchfab,Unity等)一同利用的简朴办法长短常艰难的。SimpleBake旨正在处理此成绩。SimpleBake是一个插件/东西,它供给一键式处理计划,用于从Blender 2.8中创立的材量烘焙PBR揭图。无特别节面组或质料。出有新的事情流程。只需按一下按钮便可停止简朴烘焙。
Blender 2.8 provides a very powerful way to create complex PBR materials by using nodes. However, what should be a simple process of baking and exporting these materials for use with other software or systems (Substance Painter, Second Life, Sketchfab, Unity etc.) is surprisingly difficult.
撑持硬件 :Blender 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9