PR教程-使用基本图形面板创建文字标题动画Lynda – Creating Titles in Premiere with the Essential Graphics Panel 英文字幕

PR教程-利用根本图形里板创立笔墨题目动绘Lynda – Creating Titles in Premiere with the Essential Graphics Panel 英笔墨幕8165,


Premiere Pro中的“根本图形”里板为创立题目,品牌标识战其他基​​于文本的图形供给了功用壮大的东西散。它供给了数百个模板,更不消道取After Effects完整散成了。正在本课程中,经历丰硕的视频剪辑师Nick Harauz将带您深化理解怎样处置Premiere中的字幕。理解怎样从模板创立题目,修正题目款式战表面和为题目设置动绘。把握了根底常识以后,Nick会带您完成五个实践项目:字幕条,转动字幕,标注,呵责出动绘笔墨战LOGO动绘。最初,理解怎样正在After Effects中翻开活动图形模板,以增加或编纂各个属性的控件,比方字体挑选,色彩战动绘速率。


The Essential Graphics panel in Premiere Pro provides a powerful toolset for creating titles, brand identities, and other text-based graphics. It offers hundreds of templates, not to mention full integration with After Effects. In this course, veteran video editor Nick Harauz takes you through the ins and out of working with titles in Premiere. Learn how to create titles from templates, modify title style and appearance, and animate titles. Once you’ve mastered the basics, Nick takes you through five real-world projects: a lower third, scrolling credits, callouts, a call-to-action button, and an animated logo. Finally, see how to open your motion graphic templates in After Effects to add or edit controls for individual properties, such as font choice, colors, and animation speed.


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