Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇/HitFilm/OFX色彩匹配插件 REMatch v2.3.1 Win版

Vegas/Nuke/达芬偶/HitFilm/OFX颜色婚配插件 REMatch v2.3.1 Win版6036,达芬偶,芬偶,颜色,婚配,插件


RE:Match 是一组视图色彩婚配插件,以便看起去便仿佛它是不异的相机战设置拍摄的视频或影戏。 RE:Match能够假定两个图象序列采样大抵正在不异的地位,但或许他们并非正在统一工夫或不异所在。关于多机位拍摄,或单相机拍摄多个镜头,会具有差别的照明或相机设置, RE:Match 能够婚配最好的一个序列的团体颜色表面到另外一个序列。

RE:Match 关于3D平面影片,能够进一步完美团体的颜色拆配,思索到两种视面同时被捕捉之间具有一个相对小的间隔。别的,RE:Match 也可以传布只要一个视图中存正在的地区的颜色变革。 RE:Match 也能够让其他的细节,好比反射,镜里下光,战镜头眩光二者之间的视觉是分歧的。


RE:Match is a set of plug-ins to match one view of video or film to another so that it looks as if it was shot with the same camera and settings. RE:Match assumes that both image sequences are taken roughly at the same location but perhaps were not shot at the same time or from the same point-of-view


撑持 Win 体系的硬件:

Baselight 5.2.11675 (and up),

Catalyst Edit 2017.2 (and up),

DaVinci Resolve 15.1.1 (and up),


Smoke 2020 (and up),

Fusion Studio 5.2 (and up),

HitFilm 4 (and up),

Natron 1 (and up),

Nuke 5.1 (and up),

Silhouette 6.1.3 (and up),

Vegas Pro 64-bit only, v10.0e (and up).


v2.3 更新内乱容:

  • 一切插件:正在Lab Space中处置发生了毛病的成果
  • OFX Hitfilm:建复毗连第两个输进时,能够会取RE:Match Basic中的衬着行列瓦解。


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