Blender一键天生陈腐破坏结果插件 Blender Market – OCD V1.5.3 One Click Damage For Blender 2.92+
只需挑选模子,然后单击“Make Damage”,按照爱好停止调解,然后“Apply”,便可建造破坏结果。利用 OCD 插件,您能够将最简朴的多少图形酿成都雅的模子
Adding damages has never been so simple and fun. Just select your model and click on “Make Damage”, adjust to your taste, and “Apply”.With OCD add-on you can take your simplest geometry and turn it into a good-looking model so like if it was hours of manual work.
- 2.92, 2.93, 3.0,3.1,3.2,3.2.1
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