未来科幻多边形城市预设C4D插件 Poly Greeble 1.3 for Cinema 4D R15-R26 Win/Mac

将来科幻多边形都会预设C4D插件 Poly Greeble 1.3 for Cinema 4D R15-R26 Win/Mac9293,将来,去科,科幻,多边,多边形

将来科幻多边形都会预设C4D插件 Poly Greeble 1.3 for Cinema 4D R15-R26 Win/Mac

Poly Greeble是一款硬科幻都会多边形天生插件,能够快速天生多种结果的科幻修建结果,依靠正在多边形的外表

Poly Greeble is a plugin that will instantly make your mesh’s feel like a real manufactured objected with details generated on every polygon. If you need a techy futuristic feel to your scene you will find no plugin more suited for the job then Poly Greeble.


  • C4D R15-R26,Win/Mac


  • 将PolyGreeble文件夹拷贝到C4D装置目次的plugins内里便可

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