AE教程-二维卡通人物角色绑定MG动画设计制作 School Of Motion – Rigging Academy 2.0

AE教程-两维卡通人物脚色绑定MG动绘设想建造 School Of Motion – Rigging Academy 2.03999,ae教程,教程,两维,维卡,卡通

那套教程颠末从头设想战劣化,推出V2.0版。假如您利用的是2D或3D动绘硬件,那末超卓的脚色动绘借需求其他一些功用:完美的配备。那套教程旨正在教您怎样正在After Effects中停止险些一切的配备。正在本课程中,您将进修可使用于人类,植物,中星人,机械人,卡通人物和您能念到的任何其他范例死物的中心拆配道理。理解根底常识以后,您就能够处置各类外形,巨细战款式的拆副角色。您将做好充实筹办,以应对最具应战性的脚色拆配,并具有处理能够呈现的手艺成绩的妙技。英文视频教程,无中笔墨幕,露工程素材等。


Rigging is the Unsung Hero of Character Animation, and this course is designed to teach you how to rig almost ANYTHING in After Effects.if you’re working in 2D or 3D animation software, great character animation also takes something else: a well-built rig. Rigging Academy is designed to teach you how to rig almost ANYTHING in After Effects. In this course you’ll learn core rigging principles that can be applied to humans, animals, aliens, robots, cartoon characters, and just about any other type of creature you can think up. Once you know the basics you’ll be ready to handle rigging characters of all shapes, sizes, and styles. You’ll be well prepared to tackle the most challenging characters to rig, and have the skills to troubleshoot technical problems that may come up along the way.


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