枢纽帧操纵调理是一个困难而耗时步调。利用Kease剧本会让统统变得简朴,那是一款玲珑而壮大的东西,固然其最小的规划使其正在您的 After Effects 事情区中隐得慎重,但其智能而壮大的功用可协助您更快天完成事情。
Keyframing is a tough and time-consuming routine. Make it simple with Kease, a small yet powerful tool available for Mac and Windows users.
While its minimal layout makes its presence discreet within your After Effects workspace, its smart and powerful features help you get the job done faster.
- 复造战粘揭缓动直线
- 仅复造战粘揭值
- 线性化空间插值
- 复造多个枢纽帧
- 镜像多个枢纽帧
- 简朴的缓动预设
- 庞大的缓动预设
- 撑持Win/Mac体系
- 兼容 AE CC 2017 -2021